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Be There Welfare Trust is a sister company of Be Shah and 10% from each sale is contributed to Be There Welfare Trust Donations.

We think that hunger is one of the most fatal global risks that humans face in this world. Food being the mother of all necessities is one of the root causes of malnutrition, survival and crime.

As our corporate conscience, we aim to make a significant contribution in the Sustainable Development Goals and eliminate hunger from the world till 2030. At Be There Welfare Trust, we serve lunch meals to people in the less privileged areas, irrespective of their religion, cast, color and creed. Whether you are a worker, a student, a housewife, a laborer or walking passenger; if you are hungry, you can join the lunch be served. 

At Be There Welfare Trust, You Donate, We Serve 

For more details, log on to and join hands in creating Hunger Free Humanity

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